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8:52 a.m. - 2003-10-25
lose weight now! ask me how!
Yesterday morning when I went into Jamie's room to get his clothes changed, there was a wet spot on our carpet in the hallway. I didn't think much of it at the time, just asked Steve if he'd spilled anything (which he hadn't) and then sort of forgot about it. We went out for breakfast and then over to Elise's to hang out for a bit--the reason that we had to go out so early is because we found out, Thursday night, that they would be painting the lines in our parking lot all day Friday and we'd have to move our cars. Steve has been sick and he's been home from work all week, almost, so I was going stir crazy anyway.

We went up to Elise's and a good time was had by all, I think. Then on the way home we stopped over at Natalie's. I had to give her some stuff, and she and Jamie and I spent an enjoyable little while playing with Play-Doh on her kitchen floor. I think we're going to have to get more playdoh for Jamie for Christmas, as well as one of the barrels with the toys in it. He really likes playing with them.

I came home around 6 and there was a great deal more water on the floor. Steve had been working all day and really hadn't noticed it. I called maintenance and they sent someone over. It turned out that our hot water heater was broken. The maintenance guy left for quite a while, during which time we managed to put Jamie to bed, and when he came back he had another maintenance guy with him and they both proceeded to talk loudly, saw through pipes, etc, for about 2 hours. Plus turning off the water and gas while I was in the middle of making dinner, and not telling me they were going to do it. At least I was done with the actual cooking. :)

Anyway...we have a new hot water heater. And amazingly enough, all the noise didn't wake Jamie up. So all is well.

This morning, laundry, and then I think there's a plan to go to Friendly's for lunch. Later, I'll be at Natalie's. I don't know what we'll be doing--I haven't come up with any grand plans just yet. :)

Oh, speaking of Natalie. She reminded me the other night while I was at her place watching Survivor that I forgot to tell you guys about how I lost 27 pounds in one day! Yes, it's my fabulous new diet plan. On Tuesday, I weighed myself before I went to the doctor because I wanted to see if being sick and not wanting to eat had made me lose any weight. (It had, incidentally, I was down about half a pound from my last weight.) So we went to the doctor, and Jamie wanted to get on the scale, so he did first, and he weighs about 30 pounds (wow!). Then I got on. Let's just say that I was *stunned* that she did not have to move over the *mmrph* marker, and didn't have to go all the way to the end of the one I was on! I just sort of stared at the scale and said "Wow, my scale at home must be off." Later I calculated the 27 pound difference. Obviously, I either need to move my scale off the carpet or just throw it in the trash, for all the good it's doing.

Now if only I could lose 27 pounds every day! I'd be to my goal in no time! :)

bye for now,

-baf :)


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