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8:00 a.m. - 2003-04-17
is it hot in here, or...?

It's been lovely weather here for the past few days. Monday, it was chilly, but Tuesday was really warm. So warm, in fact, that even with windows open and the fan on it was 77 degrees in the house when I got home from rehearsal/Natalie's at 11:30. So I caved and turned on the air conditioner.

When I got up yesterday morning, it was *still* 77 degrees. Um. Not Good.

So on the way out to Elise's yesterday, I stopped by the office to tell them about the air conditioner problem. They were supposed to be coming by anyway to replace the mysteriously missing screen on Jamie's window.

When I got home yesterday evening, not only had they not managed to fix the air conditioner (even though they replaced the filter), but it was *79* degrees in the house. Which is Way Too Freaking Hot in my opinion, and yes I know I'm spoiled, but I *like* air conditioning. I get very cranky if I have to spend any significant amount of time indoors in temperatures that exceed about 75 degrees. It was too hot to do anything. We ordered Chinese food for dinner (a new place that delivers, unlike the rest of the Chinese places around here, left a menu), which was very yummy, and then Steve offered to go get water ice for us, and I certainly wasn't going to turn that down. In the midst of eating his water ice, Jamie managed to spill about half a cup of it all over himself and his high chair, so he (and I) had an impromptu bath.

This morning, fortunately, it is a lot cooler in the house. It's supposed to be cooler the next couple of days in general, so hopefully by the time it's warm again we'll have our air conditioner fixed. I'm planning on going to the grocery store this morning, so I'll be stopping by the office again to get maintenance back out here.

I ordered some shirts from Motherwear in preparation for our Disney trip. Jamie, quite obviously, is not going to wean before we go, and all my summer nursing shirts are looking really ratty. I ordered 4, which along with a couple of things I already have should be plenty. We're planning on shipping a box of cloth diapers out to my mom this week--we have 3 dozen, so sending her a dozen won't be a hardship, and that way we can use cloth at least at her place, if not the whole time we're gone. I'm thinking more and more about trying to stay in cloth at least the majority of the time we're at Disney, though. He will be in cloth at least at night, because that's easy, and while we're in the room, and I'm thinking, you know, how hard can it be to do cloth the rest of the time? I'll have to bring along a Downy ball and a little bottle of vinegar, and I can probably use the detergent in the hotel laundry room, but I'll probably bring my own anyway....but it really shouldn't be so bad. Am I crazy? :)

Oh well, off to start the day. I have a lot of stuff to do around here today.

bye for now,

-baf :)


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